05 Jan LAKIS GAVALAS: « Drink Rosé to be Osé »

invites you to taste Italian wine
at the Italian Embassy in Athens 16/01/2023
Curator: Lakis Gavalas
Dress code: Cocktail

Gianmaria Cesari and Lakis Gavalas welcomed their guests from the fields of Media, business, catering and haute cuisine in a special evening at the Embassy of Italy in Athens. As the Brand Ambassador of the Italian rosé wine, Costa Di Rose, Lakis Gavalas spoke not only about its exquisite taste, but also about the importance of foreign businessmen investing in the Greek market: « From my side, I try to support as a Brand Ambassador actions that draw attention to Greece and build bridges with important foreign companies, such as Umberto Cesari », he said characteristically and urged the guests to drink rosé: « Drink rosè to be osè« .
The Ambassador of Italy in Greece, Patrizia Falcinelli graced the evening with her presence and addressed a short greeting stressing that Costa Di Rose is the first rosé wine produced from Sangiovese grapes.
Gianmaria Cesari, owner of Umberto Cesari, was in Greece for the launch of Costa Di Rose. Mr. Cesari spoke about the value of sharing a good glass of wine: « We tried to make a rosé that brings joy » he said, adding: « when they ask me what Costa Di Rose is, what I say is pleasure« . Afterwards, the guests had the opportunity to try the Costa Di Rose first, accompanied by typical Italian flavors.